Professor Caroline Mansfield is Executive Dean of the School of Education at Edith Cowan University, Western Australia. Caroline’s research primarily focuses on teacher resilience and wellbeing at a range of career stages and in diverse contexts. Caroline has led successful projects in the field of teacher resilience: Keeping Cool (2009-2012); and BRiTE: Building Resilience in Teacher Education ( (2013-2015). She has also partnered on international research projects, notably, the European project, Enhancing Teacher Resilience in Europe (2013-2015), and interdisciplinary projects including VetSet2Go: Building Veterinary Employability ( (2015-2018). In 2016, Caroline was awarded an Australian Learning and Teaching Fellowship, Staying BRiTE: Promoting resilience in higher education ( to lead collaborations with 5 inter-state universities using innovative approaches to embedding resilience in teacher education. Her future work involves further investigation of the personal and contextual resources that enable teachers to maintain engagement, commitment and motivation, and thrive throughout their career.
Dr Susan Beltman is an Adjunct Associate Professor in the School of Education, Curtin University, Western Australia. Susan has taught undergraduate and postgraduate units focusing on learning and development, mentoring and inclusive education, and has extensive experience as a School Psychologist. Susan’s research and postgraduate supervision broadly focuses on social and emotional aspects of learning and development in various contexts. Previous research examined motivation, and role models and mentoring in higher education and community settings. Her most current research focuses on resilience and wellbeing of teachers and leaders in various contexts and at all career stages. Susan has been a project partner, advisory group member and co-researcher in several national and international projects in, for example, the European Union, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, South Africa and the United Kingdom.
Professor Tania Broadley is Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education of Australian Catholic University. Tania’s academic background in Initial Teacher Education centred on leading the design and development of educational technology courses across undergraduate and postgraduate courses, which were offered face-to-face, fully online and in a blended delivery. Her broad range of educational experience includes research and teaching within the higher education sector, teaching within the early childhood and primary school context and research within secondary schools. Tania’s research areas encompass preparation of pre-service teachers, rural and remote education; technology enhanced learning; and continuing professional development of educators.
Dr Noelene Weatherby-Fell is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Education, University of Wollongong, New South Wales. As a practitioner with 22 years in schools, Noelene's research interests include preservice teacher preparation, epilepsy education and recognition of the individual including self-esteem/pastoral care of students and teachers. As a founding member of the Teacher Education Advisory Board for the Response Ability Project (HIMH), focusing on pre-service teacher education and social and emotional wellbeing /mental health, she has presented and written both nationally and internationally on her work in this area.
Claire's first career was in the corporate world, but after taking voluntary retrenchment in the early '90s she decided to refresh her qualifications, and spent the next several years completing degrees in Mathematics & Computing. Claire made her first web application using JSP pages, but soon decided to join Ron in the .NET world and hasn't looked back.
Ron began his working life as a motor mechanic, then decided on a change of career and returned to education. After gaining a degree in Business Information Technology he worked at the Lotteries Commission and the Crown Law Dept. before he began his independent consulting career in 1993. He now spends his time consulting, analysing & coding, always keeping ahead of the latest technologies in the .NET world and beyond.